A Case Study On How Soulivity Matched Its Ambitious Growth Expectations With Quintype

We proudly present an invigorating exploration of how Quintype catapulted a client's aspirations beyond his expectations with astonishing speed.

“We faced challenges with traditional WordPress and the hosting system. WordPress was unable to meet our expectations and failed to extend its capacity. We decided to shift, and during our in-depth research for the latest and greatest technology CMS, we found Quintype. After Quintype, We witnessed an immediate user surge, a 50% increase in page views within two weeks.”

Brian Johnson
CEO & Founder, Soulivity

Quintype enabled us to diversify our revenue streams through bundle subscriptions. We are delighted to have partnered with The News Minute, and our collaboration has successfully expanded our readership and subscription base.

Chitranshu Tewari
Chitranshu Tewari
Director - Product & Revenue, Newslaundry

Thanks to Quintype for the new option to expand our revenue streams. Bundle subscriptions offer a valuable opportunity to diversify and grow. Our successful partnership with Newslaundry is a prime example, resulting in a significant increase in subscribers and boosting our revenue generation capabilities.

Vignesh Vellore
Vignesh Vellore
Founder and CEO - The News Minute

About Soulivity

Soulivity inspires and guides individuals worldwide, transcending geographical boundaries to enrich lives. Founded in Washington, D.C., by visionary CEO and founder Brian Westley Johnson. Its core mission is to propel readers towards a higher quality of life, marked by increased cultural awareness, interconnectedness, and increased personal and professional productivity.

The brand is committed to empowering its community—encompassing customers, owners, partners, and staff—with the necessary tools and insights to lead lives that are not just fulfilling but also purpose-driven. Whether achieving better lifestyle outcomes, enhancing travel experiences, or simply finding joy and peace in daily activities, Soulivity supports its stakeholders in living free, complete, and rewarding lives.

WordPress Constraints Restricted Soulivity’s Growth Ambitions

‘We face challenges with our old CMS. We were using traditional WordPress with a traditional shared hosting system. WordPress couldn’t go beyond its capacity and failed to meet the growth expectation” Brian was worried about the limited capacity of WordPress that hindered their growth.

Soulivity discovered Quintype during their industry research of the latest and best technology. Brian was enthusiastic and brilliant, always wanting to use technologies that stayed at the forefront. " Quintype has all the latest technology and unique features, which are completely expandable and have a global reach." Brian detailed his decision to shift our brand.

Soulivity's Biggest Challenges

Soulivity is a brand that strives to provide the best content through its digital magazine. The team wanted to create an ever-expanding community surrounding its content. It has been catering to lifestyle, travel, personal growth, overall wellness, and other themes that help humans lead better lives.
Soulivity wanted to grow without limits and expand its reach. This is where Wordpress's limitation acted as a roadblock to success and growth. WordPress, hosted in a traditional hosting system, found it challenging to extend its capabilities. 

Soulivity's quest for excellence, however, encountered significant hurdles in collaboration and workflow, hampered by a user interface that struggled to support the creation of captivating content. 

They came across various obstacles. The team’s aspiration to provide an exceptional reading experience to a committed group of followers seemed increasingly unattainable. Technical issues and unsatisfactory customer support added to the complexity, causing delays in operations and requiring more time investment. 

As Soulivity aspired to scale and enhance its offerings, the limitations of its current Content Management System (CMS) became glaringly apparent. The CMS was unable to meet the brand's demands.

Finally, the team found their answer in Quintype's sophisticated capabilities. Recognizing the power of a CMS equipped with intuitive, built-in tools, Soulivity hailed Quintype as the solution for overcoming their challenges.

How Quintype Transforms Challenges into Triumphs?

The Quintype team recognized Soulivity's significant growth potential and quickly identified the missing pieces to their puzzle. Without any delay, we recommended our Quintype CMS-BOLD and Pagebuilder-Ahead as the optimal solutions to address Soulivity's current challenges. 

Our team was confident, and we made a bold promise: to complete the migration within 30 days. 

This commitment initially surprised the Soulivity team, but we remained true to our word and successfully migrated Soulivity from WordPress to Quintype. The transformation was met with overwhelming happiness and satisfaction from the Soulivity team. 

Furthermore, we assured them of a noticeable performance improvement within just two weeks. True to our promise, we delivered the expected results, exemplifying our commitment to excellence and our client's success.

Innovative Solutions and Their Impactful Outcomes

Recognizing that not everyone in the media industry is tech-savvy, we crafted the BOLD CMS to be accessible for individuals with even minimal technical knowledge. The Soulivity team quickly mastered the BOLD CMS, thanks to our technology's user-friendly design. 

They have all the tools built in, and the specific tool sets and ease of use of the CMS are things I have never seen before. It is intuitive, it is very clear with a clean interface. Most of our collaborators found it easy to use. Any integrations can be done without much technical knowledge. It is clean, fast and easy- Brian was very confident and satisfied with Quintype CMS

Page views: A staggering 50% increase in page views marks a new era for Soulivity, showcasing a monumental surge in audience engagement.

Website Traffic: With soaring site visits, Quintype’s robust infrastructure has seamlessly handled the burgeoning traffic, ensuring uninterrupted service and scalability.

Daily Delights: The ripple effect of their initial success continues as Soulivity enjoys daily upticks in traffic and user counts, signalling a relentless upward trajectory.

Session time: A proof of the site's enhanced appeal, the improved session times speak volumes about the clean, user-friendly layout that keeps visitors engaged longer and more satisfied.

Returning Visitors: Soulivity now boasts many revisitors, a clear indicator of a compelling content experience that beckons audiences back for more.

User Experience: The qualitative leap in user experience has increased content enjoyment and fostered active engagement, with users now eagerly interacting with the platform.

SEO Success: These collective advancements have had a domino effect on Soulivity's SEO efforts, significantly boosting their search engine ranking and online visibility.

Performance Summary

Just one month into their partnership with Quintype and deploying the BOLD CMS, Soulivity has already encountered a wave of transformative results that are shaping the future of their digital presence. 

BOLD is a simple, clean, and intuitive design, and these features have earned Soulivity's satisfaction. They specifically appreciated the separation of the front end from the back end. The separate frontend and backend enable a magazine like Soulivity, which aims to provide a soothing and relaxing reading experience, to customize its front end to match its unique aesthetic. 

This seamless integration between the back and front end streamlines content management and significantly enhances user and reader experiences, underscoring our commitment to delivering solutions that cater to our client's specific needs.

At the Forefront of Media Revolution

“There are people with integrity and Quality. They are very honest and ready to provide support when you want to make a big change in how you present your content to the world. So, I am very happy with Quintype. I hope that you,” Brian concluded his words with the best appreciation a brand can get. 

“We are delighted to assist you and happy to be a part of your success. We ensure we will continue the same honesty and support“, Said Chirdeep Shetty, CEO at Quintype Technology. 

Quintype reflects a blend of innovation and execution, driving unprecedented growth and establishing Soulivity as a frontrunner in the digital arena. Schedule a demo to discover the Quintype difference from the other brands and how we can help elevate your platform to new heights.